Corporate governance

Environment & energy

Conserving resources along the supply chain

Environmental and energy policy is anchored in the corporate objectives of Bizerba SE & Co. KG. It is part of our social responsibility and affects all

  • company divisions
  • management, employees and
  • relations with customers, partners, suppliers and service providers.

Bizerba has set itself the goal of taking into account and pursuing environmental and energy aspects in all company divisions. These include, among other things,

  • the procurement of products, systems, materials, substances and mixtures
  • the development of products, software and services
  • internal and external logistics
  • the areas of service, product returns and disposal, as well as
  • packaging and transportation.

Designing sustainable products and processes

Bizerba has implemented an environmental and energy management system (UEM system) to make value creation sustainable. This dynamic system works according to defined economic and ecological criteria. We use these criteria to assess every product development and the introduction of new production processes.

We take into account the best available technology in all organizational and technical measures. This also applies to our specified emergency plans.

Specifically, we implement measures that

  • reduce the consumption of energy, raw materials and other natural resources
  • avoid environmental pollution such as waste, residues, emissions, noise and waste water at best, but at least reduce it
  • make possible the use of substitute materials.

Working together

At Bizerba, managers and employees work together responsibly to ensure that we implement the defined environmental and energy measures on a daily basis. We have integrated all requirements and procedures into existing processes. They are managed according to the PDCA method: Plan, Do, Check, Act.

Transparency is part of our corporate culture. Changes, innovations and key figures are presented directly to management on a monthly basis and in a final annual report. We use the results of these discussions to focus our efforts and implement projects in a more targeted manner.

Implementing laws, standards and regulations

Bizerba is committed to complying with relevant environmental and energy-related laws, standards and regulations. We work openly with authorities, institutions and qualified partners.  

Committed to customers, partners and employees

Every Bizerba customer and partner should be certain that they have purchased a sustainable product. This commitment includes compliance with environmentally friendly procedures and processes within the company.

Bizerba regularly informs employees, partners and customers about the environmental and energy aspects of the solutions and products throughout their life cycle, from handling to disposal.

Monitoring and continuously improving effectiveness

Bizerba wants to make various activities measurable and traceable in the context of energy and environmental policy goals. That is why we work with key figures in almost all processes to

  • increasing the efficient use of energy
  • avoiding hazardous substances and
  • optimizing fuel consumption.

On this basis, we have defined optimization potential, clear responsibilities and processes. We regularly review the effectiveness of our decisions and measures through working groups, on-site inspections and audits.

Your contact person Legal & Compliance

Danielle Bellina
T +49 7433 12-3067

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